Ul's Search Tools

List of WWW-Servers

Berlin (by alphabet) * Berlin (by subject) * Europe (by alphabet) * Europe (by location) * Germany (by alphabet) * Germany (by location) * World (by alphabet) * World (by location) *

WWW Subject Classifications and Indexes

alles(klar).de (Der Web-Katalog) * BUBL (Bulletin Board for Libraries) (Alphabetical Subject Tree) * BUBL (Bulletin Board for Libraries) (UDC Subject Tree) * Deutsche Datenquellen * DINO (Deutsches INternet Organisationssystem) * Galaxy * GNN * looksmart (Web Directory) * WIC Select (Whole Internet Catalog) * The WWW Virtual Library (Library of Congress Classification) * The WWW Virtual Library (Subject Tree) * The WWW Virtual Library (Fields ordered by their popularity) * WEB.DE * Yahoo! (Polyhierarchical and Keyword Search) * Yahoo! Deutschland Yahoo (Katalog)

Search Engines (Meta: m)

Acoon * Aladin * AliWeb * All-in-One * Alta Vista * Alta Vista: Search Deutschland * Clearinghouse * Crawler * CUI W3 Catalog * CUSI * DejaNews * EuroSeek * Excite * EINet Galaxy * fast * Fireball * GNA Meta-Index * GNN * Google * Harvest Information Discovery and Access System * HotBot * InfoSeek * InfoSeek Net Search * Inktomi * Internet Exploration * Internet Public Library * Internet Sleuth * Kolibri * Lycos * MetaCrawler * MetaGer (m) * metaspinner (m) * Netscape: Internet Search * New City Global Search * NlightN * Northern Light * Open Text Index * Orbiter * ProFusion (m) * RBSE's URL database * Savy Search (m) * Simon Index * speedfind * Spider * Wandex * Webcatcher * Web Central * WebCrawler * Whole Internet Catalog * WhoWhere? * WWW Worm *

Copyright © ul,
Created: Januar 1996,
Last change: June 20th, 1996; July 2nd, 2000, April 11th, 2001