In der IFB vorhandene Journals

(wird noch ueberarbeitet/korrigiert)
acm transactions on computer systems
acm transactions on database systems.
acm transactions on graphics.
acm transactions on information systems.
acm transactions on mathematical software.
acm transactions on modeling and computer simulation.
acm transactions on programming languages and systems.
acta informatica.
ada letters.
advances in cognitive science.
advances in computer vision.
advances in computers.
advances in information systems science.
advances in man-machine systems research.
ai and society.
ai communications.
ai magazine.
annals of the history of computing.
annual review in automatic programming.
annual review of information science and technology.
apl quote quad.
archive for mathematical logic.
artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence in engineering.
artificial intelligence review.
asu newsletter.
australian computer journal,the.
biometrie und informatik in medizin und biologie.
bulletin of the american society for information science.
bulletin of the european association for theoretical computer science.
canadian journal for information science.
communications of the acm.
computational intelligence.
computational statistics & data analysis.
computer abstracts.
computer aided design.
computer and control abstracts.
computer architecture news.
computer communication review.
computer communications.
computer education.
computer graphics
computer graphics forum.
computer journal.
computer languages.
computer literature index.
computer magazin.
computer networks and isdn systems.
computer persoenlich.
computer personnel.
computer review.
computer standards and interfaces.
computer systems science and engineering.
computer und recht.
computer weekly.
computers and biomedical research.
computers and education.
computers and graphics.
computers and medicine.
computers and operations research.
computers and security.
computers and society.
computers and structures.
computers and the humanties.
computing reviews.
computing surveys.
computing systems.
data & knowledge engineering.
data base(sigbdp).
database and network journal.
datenschutz und datensicherung.
decision support systems.
diebold management report.
discrete applied mathematics.
distributed computing.
duz - deutsche universitaetszeitung.
economic and industrial democracy.
elektrisches nachrichtenwesen. itt.
european journal of operational research.
formal aspects of computing.
fortran forum.
fundamenta informaticae.
future generations computer systems. fgcs.
fuzzy sets and systems.
graphical models and image processing.
grundlagenstudien aus kybernetik und geisteswissenschaft.grkg - humankybern
handbuch der modernen datenverarbeitung.
human-computer interaction.
ibm journal of research and development.
ibm nachrichten.
ibm systems journal.
ieee computer graphics and applications.
ieee design & test of computers.
ieee expert.
ieee journal of solid-state circuits.
ieee micro.
ieee software.
ieee transactions on automatic control.
ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and syst.
ieee transactions on computers.
ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence.
ieee transactions on software engineering.
image and vision computing.
image understanding.
infor. canadian journal of operational research.
informatik - forschung und entwicklung.
informatik und recht.
information and computation.
information and management.
information and software technology.
information management.
information processing and management.
information processing letters.
information sciences.
information services and use.
information systems.
informationstechnik - it.
informatique theorique et applications.
integration,the vlsi journal.
intelligent software strategies.
international abstracts in operations research.
international journal of applied engineering education.
international journal of approximate reasoning.
international journal of computer vision.
international journal of flexible manufacturing systems.
international journal of high speed computing.
international journal of parallel programming.
international journal of robotics & automation.
international journal of robotics research.
io. management zeitschrift.
isis personal computer report.
isis software report.
journal of algorithms.
journal of automated reasoning.
journal of complexity.
journal of computer and system sciences.
journal of computer assisted tomography.
journal of computer documentation.
journal of information processing
journal of information processing and cybernetics.
journal of information science and engineering.
journal of intelligent & robotic systems.
journal of logic programming.
journal of microcomputer applications.
journal of object-oriented programming.
journal of parallel and distributed computing.
journal of pascal, ada & modula-2.
journal of symbolic computation.
journal of symbolic logic,the.
journal of systems and software.
journal of the american society for information sciences (asis).
journal of the association for computing machinery.
journal of the operational research society,the.
kuenstliche intelligenz - ki.
lisp and symbolic computation.
lisp pointers.
log in. informatik in schule und ausbildung.
machine learning.
management science.
mathematical programming.
mathematical systems theory.
mathematics of operations research.
microprocessing and microprogramming. fehlertolerierende rechensysteme.
naval research logistics quarterly.
new generation computing. and people.
oops messenger.
operating systems review (sigops).
operations research
operations research letters.
operations research/management science.
or spektrum.
orsa/tims bulletin.
parallel computing.
pattern recognition
pattern recognition letters.
performance evaluation review.(sigmetrics).
praxis der informationsverarbeitung und kommunikation.pik.
proceedings of the ieee.
programming and computer software.
progress in planning.
science of computer programming.
scientific american.
siam journal on computing.
siam journal on matrix analysis and applications.
siam review.
sigact news.
sigart bulletin.
sigbio newsletter.
sigcaph newsletter.
sigchi bulletin.
sigcse bulletin.
sigcue outlook.
sigda newsletter.
sigir forum.
sigmicro tc-micro newsletter.
sigmod record.
signum newsletter.
sigois bulletin.
sigplan notices.
sigsac review.
sigsam bulletin.
sigsmall/pc notes.
siguccs newsletter.
simulation digest.
sloan management review.
software . practice and experience.
software engineering notes.
software world.
sprache und datenverarbeitung.
structured programming.
systems research. the official journal of the ifsr.
techniques et science informatiques. tsi
telematics and informatics.
theoretical computer science.
transnational data and communications report.
transportation research. part a and b.
university computing.
visual computer.
wall street computer review.
zeitschrift fuer betriebswirtschaft.
zeitschrift fuer fuehrung und organisation - zfo
zeitschrift fuer mathematische logik und grundlagen der mathematik.
zeitschrift fuer operations research.


© ul (WBS library representative), 23.9.94, 9.6.95